
Relationship: Child of im/migrant

I personally don't remember anything from China, however I have heard stories from my parents. Whenever my parents saw a pomegranate, they'll be reminded of their high school days. Their story, at least three times a week my dad would bike up a hill to a pomegranate farm and pick pomegranates without permission and get chase by the owner. He didn't have a phone or electronic device to be stuck to around his time. So he would do this for entertainment. My parents first date was also at the pomegranate farm; this time however my dad used his pocket money he saved up from his part-time job to pay for the pomegranates. During their migration to the states, they decided not to bring any pomegranates with them because they want the pomegranates to be memorial for them and they didn't want their first sight in the states with something that was on their first date. Ever since my parents settled down in the states, on special occasions such as birthdays, my parents will buy pomegranates to bring back the memory. This is the only object that comes up yearly on the dinner table that i can directly relate to since its the only one i know of.

Place(s): China
Year: 1998

– Ranger

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant