My maternal great grandmother, Heriberta, came from a very poor background in Puerto Rico and migrated to America at the age of 18 in 1944. She married a Filipino immigrant and lived in the housing projects on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Both of them came to the United States in search of work, opportunities and a better life (i.e. "The American Dream"). In order to support her three children, Heriberta cleaned churches until she had the opportunity to become a caseworker in the 1960's at the Mobilization For Youth program. Heriberta was passionate about helping others and influenced my mother, who became a clinical social worker in 1997. Although I never met my great grandmother, I am humbled by her journey and commitment to social justice.
– E
Relationship: Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more