
In Fun
Relationship: Child of im/migrant

Growing up in Seattle in the home I lived in for a little over 12 years, I had an upright piano in a room leading to the basement. We called it the "piano room". The piano was slightly out of tune and painted orange, I'm not sure when or where, or even why it was painted orange. My grandma knitted a blanket to put over it and had her sewing kits on top of the piano. This piano was in my home for as long as I could remember. No one in my family knew how to play it, I was the only one who would use it. This piano was the piano I started playing on for fun and it's grown my love for music more than I thought it would. It started with my dad asking me to play songs on the piano, like "When I Was Your Man" by Bruno Mars, and I'd follow YouTube videos , though I knew how to read sheet music. This piano brought me closer to my family and my passion for music, now being one of the biggest parts of my life. 

Place(s): United States

– JA

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant