Photos of Relatives

Photo Of My Relatives
Photo Of My Relatives

This photo is of my grandfather's parents and my great, great-grandparents on my mom’s father’s side. When my grandfather on my mom’s side died, we went through some of his things and found this photo frame with the three photos from his family. The frame itself is very new and made by my aunt who grew up in Wisconsin and still lives in Wisconsin today.  My great, great-grandparents came from France to Quebec. Then my great-grandparents went from Quebec to Wisconsin in the United States. These photos are probably from their wedding day and are very old. The Nevue family came to the United States before they had kids and came to work on the railroad. They ended up having sixteen kids one of whom was my grand grandmother, her name was Maryanne but she has unfortunately passed away a long time ago.. After working on the railroad, they decided to open a funeral home in Coleman Wisconsin, which has probably gone out of business by now. Coleman is about thirty-seven miles away from Green Bay in Wisconsin and still exists today. The town has a population of six hundred ninety-eight (according to the 2020 census) and some of my family members still live there.  

Place(s): Wisconsin


Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more