Photo and Frame
All four of my grandparents, shown in the picture, moved to America from Lebanon. My grandmothers knew each other from the age of 5. They rode the bus to school together and were neighbors for most of their childhood. Their parents (my great grandparents) were also close. They had always said that their children would get married so they could be related through law - and they did. This photo was taken around 1972 in Lebanon, after my dads older sister was born. My mother's mom (left) left Lebanon and moved to America to see my grandfather (left middle). They had three girls, my mom being the middle child. They lived in Connecticut their whole childhood. Soon after my grandmother came, my other grandmother (right middle) married my grandfather (right) and moved to Florida. They had three kids, one girl (baby in photo - born in Lebanon), and two boys, my dad being the middle child as well. The 6 children grew up as family friends their whole life. My parents got married in '07 and had me in '08. My grandmothers are still best friends and I was the first person to tie the families together by blood. Two years after they had me, my parents had my younger brother. This photo is very significant in showing the history of both sides of my family and has traveled through most of it all.
– P.J
Relationship: Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant