Photo Album

Photos of my dad as a kid.
Photos of my dad as a kid.

In 2006, my Grandmy and Grandpy gave my dad a photo album of pictures from the early 1900’s to 2006, when my parents got married. All of these pictures were pictures of my dad's ancestors and mine as well. These pictures show a lot about my family's past. The photos are of people in my family that have passed, pictures of my Grandparents as kids and my dad. A newspaper from 1936, and a summer home that my dad claims he visited. It was my first Christmas, so I don’t remember much from it, but my dad says it was his last present of the day, and he didn’t really know what to expect. He was very surprised by the gift he received. He loved the pictures of his relatives, and how much effort his mom put into it. Even though the memories in this book aren’t mine, it is nice for me to see what my older and past relatives lives were like. I appreciate seeing my dad as a kid, and seeing how he grew up and his childhood. This book is a time capsule, and I can’t wait to show my kids their ancestors. I think this is an important piece of my family to share, because even though they are only photos, they are memories, and my history. I think this object represents me because it shows my family's past and that is what makes me, me.

– Piper

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more