
In Attire
Pa Dagley in his overalls
Pa Dagley in his overalls

Pa (Everette) Dagley was 17 years old when he and a friend traveled from Tennessee to Missouri to claim land to farm under a Homestead law.  On the way there, the United States entered World War I and they turned around and joined the Army instead. 

When Pa Dagley returned from the war against Germany, he went back to East Tennessee and bought a small farm.  The farm did not provide enough money for him and his family to survive.  In order to make enough money, Pa worked for a logging company.  His job was to ride the logs down the river and separate the logs when they became jammed.  Later in life, he worked in a mill and continued to grow crops and raise animals on the farm. 

All of this hard work, he did while wearing his overalls.  He wore his overalls everywhere except to church and when going to a funeral.  These overalls represent the hard work ethic that has been passed down from Pa through the Dagley family many generations all the way to Sam Dagley (his great, great grandson), who is in the 2nd grade at PS10 in Brooklyn, NY.  Sam even has a pair of Pa's overalls in his Brooklyn apartment. 

Place(s): East Tennessee, Germany during World War I, Brooklyn

– Sam Dagley

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more