O'Neill Family Plaque

The O'Neill Plaque
The O'Neill Plaque

This plaque is a verified piece that relates to the O'Neill family name and its history going back to its roots in Ireland. The plaque continues to be passed down from generation to generation within my family to whoever bears the O'Neill family name. Since my father was the only son amongst many daughters, it ended up in my family. I chose this plaque due to to the fact that it holds the most history surrounding my family's origins. On the back of the plaque it goes over the meaning of each component of the O'Neill family crest, and how the original O'Neill family were prominent rulers within Ireland. Through the passage of this plaque that verifies our family's history and name, the stories and pride our family holds is carried with it.

Place(s): Ireland

– Aiden O'Neill

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more