

My object is a page of two newspaper articles translated from Yiddish to English.It is about a ship that was coming from Ukraine to America and it was called the “korea” (for some reason). My great great grandfather was on that ship, and there was a newspaper article about it, because it went without food and water for 2 whole days! 
I chose this as my object because it proves how difficult immigrating can really be.My great great grandfather immigrated to America because it was a hard time to be jewish in Ukraine and he was being abused. He came to America in 1906 and the rest of his family came in 1907.

My great great grandfather must have been really brave to be on a crowded ship with no food or water for two days. I’m impressed about how he made it that far because I couldn’t. 

Place(s): Ukraine
Year: 1906

– HS

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more