New York City Snowglobe
My object is a snow globe of New York City in the wintertime. My parents decided to move to NYC and got an apartment in 2000. As a gift, my grandma bought my parents this snow globe to congratulate them on moving. My parents were the only ones in their family living in New York, so the Snow globe was a nice memory since they may have felt alone in this new place. My dad also had a job in one of the lower floors in the Twin Towers, which is why my grandma got a snow globe with that landmark in it. The globe itself has a silver base, and displays iconic structures to New York, like the Empire State Building and Statue of Liberty. There is also a knob on the bottom of the globe, and when twisted, it plays the "New York New York" theme while blowing snow throughout the city. Twenty-three years later, and the snow globe sits on our shelf today. We usually use the snow globe around the holiday season, and it reminds us to appreciate our family.
- JC
– JC
Relationship: unknown unknown