Name Patch

In Attire
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Dad's Name Patch
Dad's Name Patch

 This name patch represents my dad’s undying aspiration to give his family a better life. My dad came from Mexico and started a family with my mom. He started off with delivering paper house to house just to get by and feed my mom and brothers. They would struggle living in a single room at times. My brothers did not have a lot growing up as they always tell me. Through all this my dad did not give up trying and better my family’s life. He looked for a better job to get paid more. Finally, he found a job at a company that made cardboard movie posters. He would be a janitor and would work hard at it there for quite a while. His hard work was noticed by the higher ups and was given a job working with the cardboard and such. My dad’s journey did not stop there as he would make his way up to manager. Through hard work my dad was able to give my family a better life. 

– Luis Perez

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant