My Grandfather's Picture Wall

Framed photos of my distant relatives
Framed photos of my distant relatives

My great-great-grandparents immigrated from Italy to Boston in March of 1862. They wanted to come to America for a new life and to buy land for farming. Once they were settled, my great-great-grandfather started his farm, as well as worked for a railroad company. This photo is of my grandfather's wall in his living room. He has moved several times over the years, whether it was to live with my mom, sister, and me, or to his own apartment, he has always had every wall covered in pictures like these. I always enjoy hearing him explain the pictures (which he does every single time I visit) and it makes me happy to see him so proud of where he came from and to learn more about my family's origin. In the picture I posted, there are old pictures of his grandparents, his parents, and other relatives like his uncles and siblings. Some documents pictured came with them from Italy and on the wall is his grandparent's Boston marriage certificate as well. 

Place(s): Italy, Boston
Year: 1862

– MF

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more