My Favorite Picture

In Fun
Grandpa Luis in a boxing stance
Grandpa Luis in a boxing stance

This picture is of my Grandpa Luis when he was younger. My grandpa was about nineteen years old in this picture. He first came to the mainland from Puerto Rico when he was fourteen years old. The reason why this picture is memorable to me is because it is the last big thing that I physically still have of him. My favorite memory with him is when the family roasted a pig on the fire on Father's Day in 2009.  This was a once a year thing. The reason this is my favorite memory is that it had to be started late at night like 7:00 or 8:00 PM, and all of his kids and grandkids had to help by taking turns turning the pig spit. It took anywhere from eighteen to twenty-seven hours. Once it was all done, the whole family would eat roasted pork and other foods. This was a tradition that he brought from Puerto Rico. The reason this picture is most memorable is because my grandpa has passed away in 2014. Ever since then, we have not had a pig roast. The reason is that it reminds us of him. My family and I were planning on roasting a pig this year, but the COVID-19 virus hit. So, we are planning to do one next year. The reason is so we can bring back old memories and bring my grandpa's tradition back. The way he impacted my life was by leading me in the right direction. Also, I always remember how he could get me and let me cook seafood with him. He was my favorite person in the world. I was devastated when he passed away. It was so bad for me that I missed two weeks of school. This is why this picture means so much to me, and I will have it until the day I die.   

Place(s): Puerto Rico, Ohio
Year: 1962

– Antonio Horn

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant