My Family's Bible

picture of my family's bible
picture of my family's bible

Christmas time is my family’s favorite time of the year; it is a time where the whole family is together and the air is filled with laughter and love for each other. For us it is very important to continue the Christmas traditions that we started a long time ago. For example, we always read Christmas stories on Christmas eve, including the story of the birth of baby Jesus in the Bible. The Bible that we read the story from is the Bible that my grandfather bought when he was a Marine. I was never able to meet my grandfather but looking back at pictures and hearing stories told by my grandma and dad makes me wish I did. The Bible was given to my parents after my grandfather had passed and when they started our family. My family may not be the most religious of families but we read the story out of the Bible every Christmas to not only remember what Christmas is really about but to also remember my grandfather and the amazing person he was. It’s always around the holiday season when I miss my grandfather a little more; I wish he was with us opening presents and cracking jokes like my grandma always said he did. This object may not go very far back in my family’s history but it is important to my family and is something that I hope to have when I start my own family. 

Place(s): Virginia

– Zoe Blair

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant