My Dad's Leather Jacket

In Attire
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Main image of jacket front
Main image of jacket front

In 1978, at age 4 my Dad left the Soviet Union for a new life in the United States. On his way, he spent a month living in Italy where his parents bought him the leather jacket pictured here. In the 1970’s when my Dad left what's now Ukraine, religious persecution prevented Jews from living a free life. Many traditional Jewish birth customs could not be performed on my Dad because of the persecution in the country. After 4 years his mother and father gave up on their life in the USSR and decided to leave. With money and strict immigration guidelines making going directly to the U.S. almost impossible he and his parents boarded a train from Russia to Italy. That's where this jacket was bought meaning this jacket was with him when he arrived in the U.S. When I was younger I got to be the second generation to wear it. Over the years the leather has aged and is starting to show its years. While some people might dislike that, I love it. Every scratch, rip, and tear helps tell my dad's story. From his month in Italy to his flight to New York, to his first year living in the States, and to me wearing it so many years later. Now that I am about 4 times the size of the jacket I sadly can't put it on anymore. All I know is when I have kids, I am going to give them the old leather jacket to wear just like my Dad did and like I did after him. 

Place(s): USSR, Italy, New York
Year: 1978

– J.A.

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant