My Abuelo’s Bible

la santa biblia
la santa biblia

    A tradition I have in my family is having La Santa Biblia in my household. The bible was my abuelos before he passed. He would have it open on his dresser with two candles next to it.  There was  a rosary hanging behind the bible.  I think this bible is important to me and my family because my abuelo had it for so many years.  This bible was passed down to him from his great grandpa. After his passing my mom and abuela found the bible opened to the verse Genesis 3:14-15. 
“The lord God said to the serpent, 'Because you have done this curse are you above all livestock and above all beast of the field; on your belly you shall go and dust you shall eat all the days of your life. I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” God addresses the serpent first.” Verse 1 declared the serpent “more crafty than;” now God declares it more cursed. Indicted for its part in tempting the women, the respect will be viewed with contempt from now on. This is conveyed both literally and figuratively by the serpents going on its belly and eating dust. Having deceived the women the serpent will have ongoing hostility with the woman, which will be perpetuated by their respective offspring.   When my mom read that verse she said she had chills. Maybe it was just a random page he left out on and 

Relationship:  unknown unknown