
This is the Muslim holy book, it was given to me by my grand father after I went to go visit him in Albania. I always wanted to learn my religion and to start off i needed to read the holy book the Kuran. I could not read the Arabic version so my grandfather got me the Albanian version. This means a lot to me because it was given from my grandfather and it always keeps me safe. I keep it in my room to keep bad things from happening and every day i wake up I feel blessed  to first lay my eyes on the beautiful holy book. My grandfather is still alive and he teaches me a lot about the book and all the good that happens by reading it.  As i read pages from the Kuran i learn more and more things everyday and i learn a lot about my religion and I respect everything my religion has to offer.

Place(s): Albania
Year: 1998


Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant