Lakeside Box

Relationship: Im/migrant
Lakeside Box with Letter
Lakeside Box with Letter

For my object, it’s the box mailed to me when I got accepted into Lakeside. When it was sent to us, it was just a big box on the porch that said LAKESIDE on the top right and blank everywhere else. My mom looked at it, then called us into the living room. She gave it to me and my first thought was that it was a gift for applying, but held the news that you were rejected or waitlisted. I held my breath as my dad slowly opened it, only to see the lettering that Lakeside using write out “WELCOME TO LAKESIDE’S CLASS OF 2031! This means a lot to me because Lakeside is one of the biggest parts of my life. This box was the first connection I had to Lakeside. 

Place(s): Seattle, Lakeside School
Year: 2019

– RW

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant