Intertwined Trees
When I was born, my grandma planted a tree for me in her backyard. This is a family tradition dating back many generations, which my family brought over from Europe. Five years later, when my sister was born, another tree was planted for her right next to mine. Over time, those trees twisted around each other and they became intertwined. The definition of intertwined is to be twisted together or closely connected so as to be difficult to separate, which is how I am with my sister in real life. Even though we have a decent age gap, we still have an extremely tight bond. We are always there to support each other. No matter what difficulties or situations we have to face, we will be able to get through it together. We will always be sisters and won’t be able to ever really be separated, just like our trees.
– AK
Relationship: Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant