Immigration Story

Trinidad and Tobago Flag
Trinidad and Tobago Flag

In the vibrant island nation of Trinidad and Tobago, lived a young couple named Norris and Trina. They dreamed of a future filled with opportunities and a better life for their children. They were unfortunately faced with limited prospects in Trinidad, they made the bold decision to make a journey to the United States, a land known for its promise and diversity. Their first challenge was adapting to a new way of life. Norris and Trina were determined to find employment and establish themselves in their new home. They faced numerous obstacles, from language barriers to unfamiliar job markets. They embraced every opportunity to learn, grow, and contribute to their adopted country. After a few years, they started to become more and more familiar with the community in Boston. All they wanted to do was come here and create a successful environment for their children. They sought out hundreds of opportunities, my grandmother was mainly a stay at home mom, and my grandfather was a type of construction worker. But they persevered and kept pushing through their immigration to make their way to Boston, Massachusetts.  

Place(s): Trinidad and Tobago, Boston

– KW

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant