This hammer is from America, U.S. I come from NYC, where most of us are prideful and go about our daily commute happily. To explain this boredom of repetition, I chose a hammer. I can find myself in troubling situations quite often, and I’ve been through a lot of stress. This hammer is my comfort item, and something very important to me. This is not passed down to me, or connected to whoever birthed who, it is solely me and me alone. Narcissism is easy to trick yourself into, and even harder to get out, while nothing of this has anything to do with a hammer, its the ideas associated with a hammer is what I'm more attached to. The hammer is diligent, prideful, efficient, independent and very alone. We always have a hammer at hand, and I could say that the hammer represents all of us and our struggles in the U.S.
– SG
Relationship: Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant