Hair strap

In Attire
Leather hair strap with wooden stick
Leather hair strap with wooden stick

 This item belonged to my grandmother, and is now mine. It would be easy for me to weave a story about the past lives of this object, but the truth is I do not know. My grandmother no longer remembers where it is from. In a way, it parallels the immigration story of my family; lost to time. We can only look to clues inherited from our ancestors, or snippets of conversation with people we no longer talk to, and guess. Despite the uncertainty, this object is very precious to me. It represents the connection between my grandmother and I, which is no weaker than a connection which bridges generations, just as the item is no less valuable to me than anything passed down from ancestors I never knew. 

– Kat Hanson

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more