Great Grandmother’s Embroidery

In Attire
My Great Grandmother’s Embroidery
My Great Grandmother’s Embroidery

My Great grandmother is from Sparti, Greece. She lived there her whole life. Women in Sparti did not go to school then, so my great grandmother was taught to embroider and take care of her siblings all day. When my great grandmother had her first child, (my great Aunt Athena) she started to knit and embroider clothes for her and her children to come.
When my grandmother was finally old enough, she decided to go to America. She brought all of my great grandmother's embroidery with her so she could remember her mother every day.
I chose this for my object because I didn’t know my grandmother as well as I wanted to, but this embroidery, just like her mom, makes me feel close to her every day.

Place(s): Greece

– ZS

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more