great-grand parents quilt

a picture of my great-grandmas quilt.
a picture of my great-grandmas quilt.

So you already know that I'm doing my project on a quilt because you saw the title. But you might be wondering what is so special about a quilt (or else why would you be here). Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll (he says in an old man voice) the story goes back a loooooooooooooonggggg time, to when my great grandma was a poor farmer who would buy feed bags. Those feed bags would then be used and turned into dresses. Those dresses would degrade and get old fast, so they then turned them into quilts. These quilts were used as blankets, which is why in the picture it is much bigger than me. These quilts are no longer used by anyone but they used to be and i'm totally not answering questions from a planning sheet why would you think that (nerves laughter). I chose this object because it thought it was cool how thrifty my family was. It teaches a lot about our culture because it shows (im saying this for the second time) how thrifty they were. I thought it was pretty cool how my great-grandma turned a feed bag into 2 different things,how cool is that! These quilts may not be used any more,and the particular quilt might not be feed bag fabric( hey,feed bag fabric that rimes) but it shows how thrifty( 3rd time i'm saying that now) they were. A question that I have is that I want to know which ones were feed bag fabric ( rhyming genius here) and I would compliment them on (once again) how thrifty they were. Any ways you probably want to leave by now so bye see you never haha L+bozo.

Place(s): Missouri

– everett

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more