Grandpa´s coin collection

In Fun
My Grandpa´s coin collection
My Grandpa´s coin collection

My object is my grandpa’s old coin collection. There are around 150 coins in the collection. The coins in my grandfather’s collection are from many different places like Peru, Chile, USA, England or Mexico and that is why I love it. Half coins in the collection could still be used for profit but most of the rest aren’t. The coins in my grandfather’s coin collection are mostly copper but some are silver. Lots of the coins in my grandfather’s collection are old and some valuable. I have lots of old coins I found in the collection including one from 1874, 1858, 1906, 1902, 1905 and from 1911. Why I chose this object is because lots of the coins in the collection have lots of history behind them including some coins that are memorials for famous events. This coin collection is connected to my grandfather who collected them all. Some questions I have for my grandfather is where did you find these coins or who gave them to you? Also I wonder did you buy any of the coins? And one more question I have for you is do I have all of your collection or is there still more that you haven’t found?  

– RK

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant