Grandmothers Recipes
My grandmother's recipes are very important to our family, and we love to cook with them. Some of these recipes were passed down to her from her mother-in-law (my great-grandmother, Martha Randolph). My grandma's mother-in-law taught my grandmother how to cook and wrote some of these recipes! My grandmother was planning on writing a recipe book but was too busy, although she did type and write hundreds of recipes. My Dad kept these recipes, and they are now placed on the bookshelf with all the other recipes. We use the chocolate roll recipe for dessert on Christmas, and sometimes we also use them when we have friends over, or have parties. These are very important to me because my grandmother loved to cook, and although I never met her I feel that I have a strong connection with her when I use the recipes that she wrote. I also feel that these are important because they have been passed down to our family through generations of the Randolph Family. I love to cook, and when I get to be a more advanced chef, I will use these recipes more often. My dad uses these recipes alot, and the one he loves the most is the chocolate roll.
Relationship: Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant