
Relationship: Child of im/migrant

The picture above is my grandpa from my mom’s side of the family, his name is Ines Medrano, married to Aurora Meráz and father to six children, I see my grandpa as a big significance to what I am today because of his hard work, himself being a business man, and how he influenced my mom to be who she is today. My grandpa was an intelligent man and a man who would always help the poor and his family. Along the years, my grandpa owned a company that worked with importing and exporting things to the United States from Mexico. He exported such things like beef, so he had a farm primarily for cows in Durango, Mexico. My mom’s side of the family were known for business in the town for many years, but died off once my grandpa past away from a heart attack. Ines lived to a short age which was 42 years old in the year of 1978, so when this occurred, my mom was about 11 years old when this happened. This was a devastation for the family, but it didn’t stop my mom from doing her best in school instead she strived to be the best. My grandpa said to my mom while he was alive that “If you want something, if you want a bright future, you have to study hard and work hard to your highest ability”, my mom used this advice. One year later, my grandma past away from depression, at this point my mom had lost everything. Due to all these events in my mom's childhood, it became difficult, but she still remembered her dad's words and she used them to become successful and the women that she is today.

– Ruben Rocha

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant