Fire truck
Starting From my grandpa on my dads side whom I never met, to his two sons (my father and uncle) have been, and are firemen. My uncle went to 9-11, but my dad was still in training. My uncle was tasked to uncover a fire truck from fallen rubble. Upon freeing the truck, he found that it was his late fathers, and the whole truck was crushed beyond repair, except for a bell on top of the truck that read, "In loving memory of Robert Boldi". Robert Boldi was my grandpa, my uncle, who's name was also Robert, took the bell, and still has it.
My uncle has now retired from lung problems, but my dad is a lieutenant fireman in the Bronx, he is going to retire soon, too. I've been to all of my dads fire houses, though I can only remember the one in Manhattan, and his current one. I go in the truck when they get calls, and I even came with them on a grocery trip, once. My dad had my brother take the fireman test in the city recently, he hasn't gotten his grade back yet, and when I am of age, I will also take it.
– BB
Relationship: unknown unknown