Family photo
The object I chose is this photograph. It was taken of my great-grandfather Isidore (my namesake), his brother Charlie, and 2 other brothers. He and his brothers were all immigrants from Eastern Europe to New York City in the early 1900s. They left Europe because of the rise in antisemitism at the time, and moved to the Lower East Side. My great-grandfather and his brothers were all very close, and these family bonds carried over to both my grandparents and parents. The photo shows only a fraction of the amount of time my great-grandfather spent with his brothers, and since my family came to America each generation has stayed closely in touch. To me, the photo symbolizes my family’s ability to strengthen and build relationships with immediate and extended relatives, and how my family history includes so many close-knit friendships. This photo was taken on Easter on a trip my great-grandfather and his 3 brothers took to Atlantic City in 1931, as indicated by the writing in the corner. I’m named after my great-grandfather, connecting my own identity to this photo and making it all the more important to me.-ET
Relationship: Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more