
Collage of my story
Collage of my story

My great grandfather, Hy Friedman, came from Russia with his mother, his father went before that. He went across Asia instead of going to the Atlantic Ocean. Once he got to America he and his mother landed in Chicago. A while later when he started to help his father was selling fruit and vegetables, he would bring peoples orders up to their apartments. He also had to take care of the horse for their car, he wouldn’t eat until the horse ate. They lived in one of the tenements. One day when Hy was a teenager, he was out looking for a job, he was just about to go home but since he was so tired he fell asleep on the back of the truck. When he woke up the truck had moved, it was parked in front of a Seers Robuck. He went inside, and got a job! Later when he was working, Al Capone walked in, he worked at the watch counter, Al Capone noticed one of his own bodyguards was eyeing a watch and Al Capone bought it for him. I think Hy had a very interesting life and had many interesting stories.

Place(s): Russia, Chicago

– JW

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more