El Torogoz

Relationship: Im/migrant

This story is about el torogoz. El torogoz is a small bird that has many colors, blue, green, red and black and is from El Salvador. The torogoz is the national bird of El Salvador. All Salvadorian people know the bird and we have respect for the torogoz. Also we feel proud of our bird.
The object is important for our people because we identify with the torogoz. That way we feel part of Salvadorian culture. 

This story is important for other people because they can know about our culture. People can know about our small country, and they can know that Salvadorans have talent, they can know that because the bird is from El Salvador and they can find people with talent. Also they can know that just because we are from El Salvador we are not bad. We are humble, they can know that because they can visit our country and they will meet nice people.

This artifact represents my nationality. It represents me because I was born in El Salvador. This represents me because because I feel “guanaco de corazon”  It means I am Salvadorian deep in my heart. Also because I feel part of my culture. I’m always going to feel proud to be Salvadoran. I’m proud to come from a humble and simple country.

Place(s): El Salvador, Annapolis MD
Year: 2016

– Carlos

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant