Cuz cuz

Relationship: Im/migrant
Flour for cuz cuz
Flour for cuz cuz

What do you think of waking up, going to the kitchen and finding a cute and delicious cuzcuz with some butter and milk on the table for breakfast? Isn't that awesome? In my country almost everyone loves to have cuzcuz for breakfast. It’s a traditional food in our country just like catxupa that only people from Cabo Verde know how to cook. It is very delicious when it just comes out from cooking so that way the butter will melt and be very awesome. If you take that with some hot coffee or hot tea or even hot chocolate on a cold day it will be wonderful because your body will be warm and your belly will be full :). However, that is not the only way to eat it. There is one day or maybe two that they call the day of Sinza because in every house that you go, you're gonna find cuzcuz and honey but is not a simple honey. It is a honey made only for that occasion and it is a really good honey. That day is the day for everyone to be happy to be together, play some games, and laugh together at some really cool and funny stuff. 

When I was a little pretty girl, I used to love cuzcuz and honey because it is sweet. Besides, what children don't love sweet stuff! My mom didn't want to give me that much because it is sweet and because it wasn't good for my health but as a child I didn't care. I just wanted to eat it because it was good. My favorite part of making cuzcuz is that when they will put it to cook they use some flour and water then mix together to fill the empty space in the can so the cuzcuz will cook better. It kind of looks like plasticine (Play-Doh). It was really fun.

Place(s): Santiago, Cabo Verde
Year: 2017

– Stacy Gomes

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant