Cou Cou

Cou Cou
Cou Cou

The food Cou Cou is a bajan dish that me and my family members love. The dish consists of cornmeal, okra, and  shrimp if your fancy. The cornmeal gets whipped up until it gains a pancake substance feel. Then the mixture of orka and shrimp gets added. Once everything is combined the substances get thicken not too thick but like a dough. This meal is often eaten with fish. My family usually doesn’t care for the fish on the side sometimes. I think I  feel connected to this dish because  I have not been to my country Barbados ever and only ever get to hear stories and see old objects like flags and pictures. One day I hope to be in my country and around my people. I really want to try my great great ma’s  Cou Cou or anybody’s from my country to see if there's a difference. I often wonder if the meal could be cooked in a different way that makes it taste better or worse. I think about the foods from my culture all the time and study how things are cooked. Will my kids and future husband enjoy this food? How did Cou Cou come about? Why does the dish need to be cooked with fish? All these questions I wonder about and hope to get answers to soon. 

Place(s): Barbados

– Arionnah

Relationship:  unknown unknown