
My family has passed down this clock for many years now. The first person in my family to have it was my great great great great grandfather. We had it appraised a few years ago and they said that the earliest year it could have been made was 1850. To me, this clock represents time spent together as a family over the years. All of these generations have looked at this clock for the time and we are still doing that today and that is amazing to me. The clock has a crank that you use to crank it for it to continue on working. On the very center of the two hands there is a tiny dial that you can use to set an alarm which was very rare back then. My family has passed down this clock and I believe that we will continue to pass it down to the eldest son.  

– Megan Sack

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more