Chocolate Snowballs

Chocolate Snowballs
Chocolate Snowballs

These cookies are a chocolate crumble-ish cookie with powdered sugar on top. My great grandma passed on this recipe to my grandma to my mom to me.
We make this recipe every Christmas. This recipe is a long process but it's worth it. This recipe makes me wonder how often my great grandma made this, and how she found out of this recipe. If I could ask her these questions I would. The taste of these cookies are delicious and the smell of the cookies baking is amazing! I love baking these cookies.This recipe means a lot to me because it reminds me of my great grandma and how she would cook for her family. 

Place(s): Unknown

– MA

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more