Chili Relleno Casserole

A recipe for Chili Relleno Casserole
A recipe for Chili Relleno Casserole

My grandmother would tell me many stories about when she was my age. She told me all about how everything was different and much more simple in those times. She would mention that the food from that time was “much better” and more “homestyle” than it is now. The tradition of Chili Relleno Casserole in my family comes from my great grandmother whose name was Gloria. Throughout the course of her life she made the dish several times for my grandmother. My grandma inherited her cookbook which held this recipe in it, along with many others that were familiar to her from her early life. The casserole is primarily composed of egg and Chili Relleno peppers either blended into a sauce, and baked in an oven for no more or less than thirty six minutes.  My grandma introduced this recipe to me very recently as it had stood out the most to her while she was searching through her inherited cookbook. Out of dozens of recipes, this one stood out the most to her. This recipe connects to my Hispanic heritage which is often unnoticed. My mother and grandmother both come from Mexican/Italian descent which is sometimes strange to think about considering my physical appearance of blonde hair and blue eyes This recipe is important to me because It represents a major part of my culture that at times goes unappreciated or embraced. By having this recipe as well as others I can stay connected to my heritage and pass this culinary knowledge and the stories of my ancestors on to further generations


– Ryan J

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more