Chicken Parm

Chicken Parm
Chicken Parm

Chicken Parm is my dad’s favorite Italian dish to make. His first career was a chef and he worked at many different places for about 20 years, so he’s quite gifted at making delicious food. The flour, egg wash, and breadcrumb combo known as pané frit is the essential process for cooking the chicken. His secret is to cook the chicken about ¾ of the way before putting the sauce and cheese over it and finishing it in the oven. It’s so tender you could cut it with a plastic fork. Recently, my dad made this for Christmas and we brought it over and shared it with my boyfriend's family and they absolutely loved it. My boyfriend’s mom is dying to know the recipe and my dad is going to show her. He’s happy to share his gifts with people that appreciate and love his food. This recipe has brought our families closer and I’m so excited to learn it so I can pass it on to my future kids and so on.

Place(s): Norfolk, Va
Year: 2021

– NB

Relationship:  unknown unknown