
The candle from when I was baptized
The candle from when I was baptized

When someone is baptized , they are accepting God and accepting christianity. They are purified and officially admitted into the religion. The item that I have is the candle from the day that I was baptized . When you’re baptized , you get to keep the candle that was lit. The candle came from St. John & St Mary Church. This candle was lit when I was baptized , and I kept my candle throughout the years. This candle is about 6 years old, it’s made out of thick, white wax. It’s significant because it shows my religion, and that my family and I are catholic. Today, this candle is kept in my dresser, and it will always signify my faith to christianity. 

Place(s): St. John & St. Mary's Church

– JC

Relationship:  unknown unknown