Business Cards

Relationship: Im/migrant
Business cards, decorative brass foil
Business cards, decorative brass foil

These keepsakes are the business cards of my social workers and doctors (redacted). The brass foil is a decorative element I made for the cards.

In my case, I was the one who was looking for home. I had come home to the U.S. from wartime duties, my service completed. With no personal home I could return to, I roamed around the country, looking for one. I ended up running out of money and homeless. I was on my own, alone... struggling to reintegrate into society.

One day, I was taken to the hospital, where I found people who cared about and for me. I was introduced to my social workers and doctors who took me into their care. They extended their hands to me and gave me their business cards, which I held onto gratefully. These cards are my connection to them - my saviors.

They saw me as a person, a human being. They saw me at my worst and helped me when I needed it most.
Isn't that what family is? They took me in. They are my family.

Place(s): Minnesota

– Brandon Winters

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant