Books in Ukrainian

Relationship: Child of im/migrant
 French, English, Japanese, Indian, Bulgarian books in Ukrainian
French, English, Japanese, Indian, Bulgarian books in Ukrainian

My artifact is a collection of books written in Ukrainian. These books are full of beautiful fairytales and folktales from around the world including Greek, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, and German folktales. There are many known fairy tales such as “Hansel and Gretel,”  which is in the German book, and other more unique stories, such as “Cats” which is a Greek fairytale. These books belonged to my mom when she lived in Ukraine.  She immigrated to America at thirteen years old with her parents, brother and aunt. She took these books with and liked to read them when she came to America. These books are important to me because they help me improve my Ukrainian language and they are also fun to read, but they help me learn about other cultures and countries too. Overall, these books mean a lot to me as well as my mom.


Place(s): Lviv, Ukraine

– Veera

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant