Black Orchid by Tom Ford

The cologne my Dad gave me
The cologne my Dad gave me

 When my father emigrated from Haiti to America, he and his father didn’t bring much. However, his father always had cologne with him. My dad never really understood why, but he didn’t question it because Papi Ford was usually right. Papi Ford also didn’t take backtalk lightly and was just fine with delivering punishment.Both of these traits live on through my father, as does the love of a specific scent My dad always talks about how he wishes he could find the cologne because it reminds him of his dad, and he will catch the scent at times with no warning, often sniffing the air like a dog when it smells treats. The closest remnant of this elusive fragrance is Black Orchid by Tom Ford, which my dad has in his collection. One night, he opened up his dresser and showed me his extensive collection of fragrances. He sprayed each one on a different area of my arm and told me to choose which was my favorite. I picked Black Orchid and told him I loved it. He gave it to me on the spot.. His only request - “Think of Papi Ford every time you put it on,” and I have done so ever since. I even say a little prayer in his honor as he was a devout preacher. I love and miss my grandfather, and when I wear the cologne I feel as though I’m connected to the line of  fine-smelling Ford men who came before me

Place(s): Haiti, America

– Christian Ford

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant