Belgium painting

My great grandpa's painting
My great grandpa's painting

Do you know any kid that has hundreds of their great grandpa’s old painting’s? Well now you know one. I have several of my great grandpa’s old paintings throughout my house that he painted. He would travel around the world and either take pictures himself or buy postcards and later would paint a beautiful picture of it. My great grandpa was a true artist, many of his paintings had won many art shows and awards. Although I don’t really remember him much in my life because I was so young when he passed away, these paintings are what reminds me the most of him. This particular painting is from his travels in Belgium and was painted on canvas which was put into a beautiful wooden frame. I love this painting and hope to travel there one day. My mom and great aunt are the ones who really taught me about my great grandpa’s travels and gave me knowledge about all the painting’s he has painted. There are paintings throughout my house and all my extended family's homes where my great grandpa’s beautiful art is on display. These paintings are special to me and my family, not only do they show the places he has gone, it shows the life and memory of my great grandparents. My great grandparents traveled extensively throughout europe and even visited places where my ancestors came from. That is something close to my heart because I like to know my family history and where I came from. My great grandpa’s painting not only represents him and my memory for him but my family as a whole.

Place(s): Belgium
Year: 1900

– Matthew Nacht

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more