Autumn moon festival

In Fun
This is the best picture I could find
This is the best picture I could find

One day in 2015 I was eating some mooncake, and I was just sitting around. Then I thought "Why do we eat mooncake only on today?" (My mom had told me, I had forgotten). Anyway, I asked my mom about it, and she told me a story of ten suns, and how the earth was too hot, And how an archer shot down nine, and was rewarded with immortality pills. His apprentice tried to steal them, and how the archers wife ate the pills, and floated up to the moon. She then spat out the pills and they became a jade rabbit, who is trying to make more pills. she also told me that we celebrate today because they meet on nights of the full moon, and this one is the brightest. Other retellings include one where she eats the pills on purpose, and turns into a toad. But on the night of a full moon she becomes a princess. We eat the mooncake to bring good luck. There are many kinds. Some have lotus seeds. Some have mochi skin. But the luckiest one has egg in the center. And that's what I learned about the autumn moon festival.

Place(s): China

– D

Relationship:  unknown unknown