Art Binder

This is the binder of my art
This is the binder of my art

This item was given to me by my parents.  They gave it to me to help organize my artwork.  It's a deep navy / royal blue.  It's rough and always makes a loud bang whenever it hits a surface.  It was bought at a Staple in Long island.  I've had the binder since I was 5, lost it when I was 8, and found it again recently.  However I treasure the artwork in the binder.  The images in the binder are early drafts of OC’s (original characters).  The pictures of them were made years before writing this.  It is composed of 60different characters and over 80 images. This binder is important for two reasons. Well, aside from it being my biggest art compilation.  The reason I drew these characters was because I was inspired by the comics I had read, and wanted to make one that looked like me.  The second reason is because it reminds me of where I first started.  Literally, and metaphorically.  It always reminds me how much I've grown and how much more I have to grow.  This also is important because it was the beginning of many of my favorite topics.  This includes art, animals, superheroes, and many other things.  These early drawings help mold the person I am today.

Relationship:  unknown unknown