Arroz Con Salchichas

Myself and my grandmother
Myself and my grandmother

For me, the dishes that my grandmother, Cielo, prepares have always been something that is very special to me. As a little girl, I would sit on the small black stool at the corner of the kitchen and observe the entire process as she prepared Puerto Rican style, arroz con salchichas (rice with Vienna sausages). Like myself, she learned how to make this dish along with many others from watching older members of her family, specifically, her aunt. I would talk to her about anything and everything that popped into my head as my tummy growled turned moments like these into memorable bonding sessions. The same feelings of love and happiness in that kitchen were transferred into our meals. Reflecting back on times like these have helped to make me appreciate my family, my youth, and how seemingly small gestures like cooking a common meal can be great acts of love. When talking to my grandmother about this project, one thing she stated that stuck for me was that cooking becomes more enjoyable when you have people you love to cook for instead of just yourself. For me, it would be an honor to make this dish for her, to show her how much I love her and that this dish will continue to be passed down in this family.

Place(s): Binghamton
Year: 1950

– Korie Savage

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant