Apothecary Jars


These apothecary jars represent an important record of historical pharmacies and a significant connection to my Dad's side of the family.  The Cover family immigrated from Great Britain in the late 19th century and eventually settled in Toulon, Illinois.  My great grandfather, Augustus Cover, graduated from the University of Illinois School of  Pharmacy in 1908 and ran the local pharmacy from 1908-1953.  My grandma told us stories about growing up at the pharmacy, of the late night calls her father would receive and how he would rush to the store to fulfill a prescription. She talked about running behind the counters and seeing all the powders and liquids held in glass containers, about the customers that would come in, asking for help help with ailments and discomforts. When my great grandfather sold his business, many of the items from this pharmacy were given to my grandma, including these apothecary jars.  These small, covered jars, formerly used to hold pharmaceuticals, turned to household items to hold spices, candies, baking supplies, etc. As a child, I remember these jars sitting on my grandma's counter, filled with different kinds of candy.   My siblings and I would sneak into the kitchen and try to quickly open the jars and pull out candy.   If we were lucky, we'd be able to grab one of the brightly colored sour fruit balls that we all adored.  Today, these jars sit on the counter at my mom's house and continue to remind us all of our Cover family connection.

– Jennifer

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more