Angel Rolls

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In a small crumbling notebook of my great grandmother's, she has written out all of the recipes she’s ever made, and the most important to my family were always the angel rolls, a closely guarded secret recipe passed down to my grandmother and now recently to my mother. They got the name after my great grandfather said they tasted like heaven, and, after having some made by both my grandmother and my mother, I would have to agree they are the best rolls I have ever had. They are very rarely made, though, since making them is a very time consuming process, I've heard. Whenever I think of these rolls, they remind me of my family, and I wonder when the day will be that the cookbook gets passed down again, and hopefully the skills, to actually make most of the goods inside, too.

Place(s): Mossyrock

– JJ

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more