Filipino Food

Filipino cuisine
Filipino cuisine

My family has many important traditions, especially my Filipino family. Family is the most important thing to us. We all love each other more than anything. We share the same values, beliefs, and everything in between. Our mutual love for one another will always bring us together, but something that is very important to us and will always be a common thread between us is our deep appreciation of Filipino food. Specifically, my Grandma Rosie's adaptations of our favorite Filipino dishes. 

One thing that I will always cherish about my grandmother was her ability to cook. She always made the best foods for every occasion. She made pancit, eggrolls, and so many Filipino foods. She would make them on any regular day and for every holiday. Usually, I spend holidays with my Irish side of the family. When they were exposed to my grandma's amazing cooking, they immediately fell in love with it. They began to understand and appreciate the Filipino culture, which was very important to me. I loved seeing both sides of my family coming together.

Since my grandma's passing, it has been hard to have family gatherings without her. I miss hearing her laugh, getting her wise advice, watching her smile, and of course, her cooking. Her memory and legacy will live on in the rest of us who appreciate her and everything she has done for both sides of our family. 

Place(s): Philippines

– Amanda Owens

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant