A Holocaust Pearl Necklace
My Grandparents Pearl NecklaceMy Great Grandmother and Grandfather were Holocaust survivors. My great grandfather was in a concentration camp during the time in which he tried to flee from Austria to America. He was in the camp for approximately six months. My great grandfather played the guitar, and as that may seem like an meaningless detail it will come back to help him during his time at the camps. My great grandfather met a Nazi soldier who was willing to make him a deal. My great grandfather would teach him how to play guitar in exchange for secret release. My great grandfather accepted the offer and was later set free. After he left the camps, he met my great grandmother. They moved to America and had my grandmother and her twin sister. My great grandfather worked as a watch fixer, fun fact he fixed Sigmund Freud’s watch. My grandmother and her family were very poor, so my grandmother and her sister would receive a pearl every birthday. When my grandmother became 18, she made the pearls into a necklace. She gave that necklace to my sister for her Communion.
– M
Relationship: Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more