Wool Sweater

In Attire
Relationship: Im/migrant
Wool Sweater
Wool Sweater

My object is a sweater that my grandmother made for my mother. In the winter when my mother was my age, she went to a small village about 4 hours from Barcelona for winter break. It was very cold, so wool sweaters were important for warmth, that is why my grandmother made one for her. My grandmother knitted the sweater with gray, lavender, yellow, and pink- colored yarn. My mother gave me the sweater a few years ago, as she loved it when she was my age. I really like it, because it makes me feel warm and hugged by my grandmother. It is still in good condition, having no holes or tears, and still fitting me. It is one of my favorite sweaters that I have.

Place(s): Ojos Negros, Barcelona, Seattle

– M

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant